WHO Raises a Serious Alarm Signal and Warns the Whole World

The WHO is seriously sounding the alarm, warning the whole world

WHO sounds an extremely serious alarm signal, and warns the whole world about the very worrying and dangerous situation we are in at the moment, and this because in the last week the number of cases of infection with monkey pox was 7.500, reaching - there are a total of 35.000 cases in 92 countries around the world.

The WHO says that the number of cases of monkeypox infection increased last week by 20% compared to the previous week, the increase since then being also 20%, so the growth rate is maintained, which is extremely worrying, and in this situation, next week more than 9.000 new cases could be reported globally.

The WHO reconfirms the fact that almost all new cases are reported from Europe and the American continents, and men who have sex with other men are at the center of infections, the organization's experts asking for much better information of people from these communities so that the rate of infections decreases, instead of increasing from one week to another.

The WHO asks countries all over the world to be prepared to give monkey pox the attention it requires, and to detect infected people as quickly as possible, to give them the necessary medical care, but also to carry out epidemiological investigations to limit the spread in communities, the thing that is the hardest to do, in the end.