Minister of Health: LAST-HOUR announcements, why all Romanians are being warned

Minister of Health LAST-HOUR announcements, why all Romanians are being warned

The Minister of Health is warning millions of Romanians from all over the country about a series of major problems that many people should know about right now, and this is because he brings into discussion the high percentage of infections associated with medical care in hospitals in Romania, something extremely serious, in the end.

The Minister of Health tells the Romanians that they must be extremely vigilant when it comes to infections of this kind, and this is because they exist in all hospitals, and now nobody knows in reality how many there are, and how many people are really affected, so that it is good to be extremely vigilant.

"There was no discussion, there was a statement by the Prime Minister. There have been two mediatized events in recent weeks, it is a real outbreak at one of the two county hospitals in Targu Mures. There was an outbreak with 6 cases of infection in patients with many other diseases, and who had been hospitalized for a long time, and unfortunately there were 5 deaths within a week.

The second situation was related from Cluj, from the County Hospital, we investigated through DSP, the hospital, we have a report from there, and it was not an outbreak, but only one case of death, a premature baby transferred from Bistrita with several comorbidities. Any death, especially of a child, is always a very traumatic matter, especially for the family, but also for society.

Speaking of this problem of healthcare-associated infections, practically the presence of a man in a medical unit, simple presence, without any intervention, if he acquires an infection after 48 hours of hospitalization, is considered a healthcare-associated infection. There are these infections everywhere, we cannot deny their existence, and moreover, I never trusted the managers who boasted that they had no infections for years.

They cannot be avoided, they exist everywhere, and reports from developed countries in the EU, the USA, show that about 7% of hospitalized patients acquire such an infection. We started from an incredible level, from 0.2%, we went on the road. About 10 years ago it was 0.2%, and it started to grow, it grows constantly every year, we have now reached a figure of around 1%.

The figure is not real, between 1% and 7% is a difference, and no matter how efficient the Romanian medical system is, I doubt that such a figure can be taken seriously, especially since we have behind us two prevalence studies of these infections."