The Romanian Army Explains to the Romanians its Role in the Defense of Romania

The Romanian Army Explains to the Romanians its Role in the Defense of Romania

How much do you know about the ROMANIAN ARMY?

The role of the Romanian Army is to guarantee the sovereignty, independence and unity of the state, the constitutional democracy and the territorial integrity of the country, as well as to support the actions of the allied states in crisis situations, based on the commitments assumed at NATO and EU level.

But not only that. The army supports peacekeeping missions, helps the affected population and contributes to removing the effects of natural disasters and participates in the prevention and combating of terrorism.

The army's force structure consists of the three categories of forces - ground, air and naval, to which are added the forces for combat support, logistical support, special operations, cyber defense and other forces.

The three categories of forces are composed of major staffs, commands, large units and units, formations and other structures established according to law.

All of these are under the command of the Defense General Staff.

The General Staff of Defense is part of the Ministry of National Defense and represents the specialized military structure through which the Chief of the General Staff of Defense exercises the leadership of the force structure of the Romanian Army. The Chief of the Defense Staff is the military officer with the highest leadership rank in the army, appointed by the President of Romania, upon the proposal of the Minister of National Defense.

During wartime, the President of Romania is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

The Ministry of National Defense is headed and represented by the Minister of National Defense, who is a civilian.

The Ministry of National Defense includes: the Defense General Staff (about which I spoke above), departments, general directorates, directorates (called central structures) and other organizational entities that ensure the fulfillment of the ministry's duties and responsibilities.

The system of central structures, structures and forces of the Ministry of National Defense constitutes the Romanian Army or, as we usually call it, the army.