WHO warns DUR All Europe, the situation that WORRIES countries

WHO warns DUR All Europe The situation WORRIES the countries

The WHO is very seriously worrying Europe with a very harsh warning that brings to attention the extremely serious situation that worries everyone, and this is because the director general of the organization for the whole continent highlights the fact that stocks of essential medicines are reduced in Europe at the moment currently in all 53 countries in the region.

The WHO talks about the fact that from penicillin, to antivirals against COVID-19, or even vaccines, there are smaller and smaller stocks for people who currently need treatments or protection, so it is still recommended to protect against of a possible infection with the Coronavirus, or any other type of virus that can be dangerous.

The WHO still recommends in all countries the vaccination against COVID-19, or even the flu, but also the observance of protective measures to ensure the best possible protection against any type of disease that could exist, but of course it is necessary and that countries to cooperate to help their population understand how important protection is now.

"Stocks of essential medicines are running low in the World Health Organization's Europe region. From penicillin to vaccines and COVID19 antivirals, countries should review their needs and renew supplies. We must prepare for any eventuality in these uncertain times. Preparation saves lives.

COVID-19 vaccines remain the best protection against severe disease. However, as the pandemic enters its fourth year, millions in Europe remain unvaccinated. I urge all 53 European countries of the World Health Organization to renew vaccination efforts. The current global scenario underscores the urgency.”