The Minister of Education: LAST MINUTE Warning Targeting Schools and All Students in Romania

The Minister of Education's LAST MINUTE Warning Targets Schools for All Students in Romania

The Minister of Education sends a last-minute warning that targets all schools, and all students, in Romania at the moment, and this is because he is talking about the fact that at the moment school must start according to the program already established, even if there is a number high respiratory viruses in Romania.

The Minister of Education talks below about the measures that are being taken during this period to ensure that students will be able to go to school safely, but the educational process will not be interrupted in any way by the Romanian authorities, even if some students could be sent home if they have symptoms of infection.

"We have promises of support from the DSPs for schools and inspectorates, so that all the necessary information is made available to both schools and parents. Tomorrow morning we have a videoconference with the general inspectors from each county to prepare the resumption of the educational process. Of course, one of the topics is related to preparation in the context of the spread of the flu virus.

If the children have respiratory symptoms, we recommend the parents or relatives to consult the family doctor to determine the therapeutic indications, isolation at home, and any additional investigations recommended by the doctors. It is important to understand that the first ones who can stop the spread of the virus are us, the ones responsible for addressing the participation of students and preschoolers in the educational process.

We want all children to have access to education, and if they have respiratory symptoms, to have as short a period as possible, which is later recovered, of isolation at home. Tomorrow, after the meeting with the general school inspectors, we will be able to come back with details. At this moment, we have no reason to suspend classes, or not to start the educational process, as provided in the structure of the school year.

For exceptional cases, we will see at the time, but at this moment we are not in a position to suspend classes. As I said, with prevention, with epidemiological triage, I hope that the educational process will continue normally, as it has continued every year, even if there was, or not, a season of respiratory viruses in Romania.

The recommendations are related to the epidemiological triage made in collaboration with the families, so one time is a triage at home, the second is at the beginning of the class, by the teacher, the teacher, the educator, who sees the preschoolers for the first time. It is an observational one, that is, if symptoms are observed, the parents or relatives are notified, who should notify the family doctors."