Volodymyr Zelenskiy's Statement on Allegations of Bribery of Government Officials

Volodymyr Zelensky made a very important statement in the face of all the accusations regarding the bribery of at least one official of the Government of Ukraine in order to conclude a contract regarding the purchase of food at an overpriced price for the soldiers of the country's army.

Volodymyr Zelenski is trying to calm everyone who is now demanding tough measures, because we are talking about a contract worth over 300 million dollars, money that could be part of international financial aid.

"Today, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dismissed a deputy minister who was exposed by NABU.

Law enforcement officers have every opportunity to conduct an investigation and bring the case to court.

And I want that to be our signal to all those whose actions or behavior violate the principle of justice. Of course, now the main focus is on defense, foreign policy and war. But that doesn't mean I don't see or hear what is being said in society at various levels.

And this week will be a time for appropriate decisions. These decisions have already been prepared. I don't want to tell them now, but everything will be fine. In each situation, we will analyze everything in detail. Energy and procurement issues. Relations between the central government and the regions. Everything related to military procurement.

The society will get full information and the state will take the necessary strong steps.

And this is not something temporary, this is a real answer. These are concrete actions. This is what we all expect from our institutions. From the state.

I thank the lawmen who protect the law, the interests of the state and ensure justice! I am grateful to journalists who analyze all the facts and establish the complete picture!

We must all do our part for our unity. Through justice, the power of society and the power of the state are united."