Apple is withdrawing ClassicMap from the App Store

  Less than 2 days ago, I told you that it appeared in the App Store ClassicMap, an application that looks exactly like the Maps application from iOS 5, but offers slightly less functionality. The application was downloaded by many people, and this attracted the attention of those from Apple who thought it would be good to take it out for sale without giving too many explanations in this regard. I assume that the application was withdrawn because its interface was identical to that of the native application in iOS 5, otherwise I don't really see why Apple would have chosen not to offer it to the public, since it recommended the use of alternative applications for iOS 6 Maps.

  If you have downloaded the application and have it on your computer, then you can reuse it as much as you want, but by transferring it through iTunes to your iDevice. If you have not downloaded it, then you cannot use it, and if you have downloaded it, do not look for it in the Purchased section, because it will not be available.


  1. Nebuni astia de la Apple.Vad ca nu le merge cu aplicatia lor (pe care personal am pus-o intr-un folder la racoare) si scot cele mai bune aplicatii.:( Trist foarte Trist 🙁

  2. Eu cred ca daca producatorul ar fi publicat ClassicMaps doar pe iOS 6, nu ar fi fost retrasa de Apple. Cum ClassicMaps functiona si pe iOS 5 era in contradictie clar cu termenii Apple, conform carora nu poti publica aplicatii care au aceeasi functionalitate si look&feel cu aplicatiile lor.