Android: ALERT for Phone Owners

Android has a very important alert for all users around the world, and if you own a phone or tablet with the operating system, you should know about it.

Android ALERT Phone Owners

Android is the most used operating system for mobile phones at the moment, but those who rely on it should pay attention to a recent alert announced by an American company for the whole world. According to it, in the first three months of 2018, a new Android malware was discovered every 10 seconds, so hackers are extremely interested in this vulnerable platform.

Android had 846,916 malware versions discovered in the first three months of 2018, 12% more than in the same period last year, a sign that security problems are on the rise. As many as 9,411 versions of malware were discovered every day, according to those from G Data, so users who use phones and tablets with this operating system, but do not have an antivirus installed, are in great danger.

Android: ALERT for Phone Owners

Android has announced for 2018 no less than 3.4 million versions of malware, so 4 times more than what was discovered in Q1 2018, G Data considering that things will continue the same way all year. Those from Google they are aware of the major problem that Android has at the moment, so they recently announced that they will start asking phone and tablet manufacturers to release security updates more often.

"In the first quarter alone, analysts discovered 846,916 new Android malware samples. Around 12 percent more than in the first quarter of the previous year. his means: A new malware appearing every 10 seconds. For 2018 as a whole, the G DATA analysts are forecasting around 3.4 million new Android malware.”

Android is easier to crack than iOS, and that's why the difference between the two systems is "like from heaven to earth" when it comes to security, but this is perfectly normal, considering how they were thought. Android is a system with a lot of freedom, but also with many vulnerabilities, while iOS is a closed system, and this provides security for users, who do not have to fear that a website can hack their phones.


  1. Mda…ce sa mai zicem…cand vezi un barbat cu un Samsung rotunjor ce mai are si malware…nu il mai vezi ca barbat ci ca o fetita purtatoare de boli

  2. Hackerii sunt interesați de utilizatorii acestei platforme?… zoopark si alte 90% din ce se descarca de pe trashplaystore sunt de la apariția andoidului portițele de intrare. Nu este o noutate pentru Apple fans însă, da, astfel de articole ne creeaza euforie și extaz când vedem marea masa de roboței cum sunt puși la ham ??