Tim Cook väittää, että käyttäjät haluavat iPadeja, eivät tabletteja

  Vuonna konferenssi, jossa esiteltiin vuoden 3 neljännen vuosineljänneksen tulos, Tim Cook a facut o afirmatie extrem de interesanta in legatura cu tabletele iPad, spunand ca oamenii nu isi doresc sa achizitioneze alte tablete disponibile pe piata ci isi doresc sa achizitioneze iPad-uri. Afirmatia vine pe fondul esecului tabletelor competitorilor, tablete care din pacate nu au reusit sa se ridice la nivelul iPad-ului, insa deocamdata nu stim cat de bine s-a vandut Google Nexus 7, cea mai interesanta tableta cu ecran de 7 inch disponibila pe piata.

The iPad 2 was reduced in price to $399. It’s done very well. The new iPad is the most popular but the iPad 2 did very well, particularly in K12 (primary education). Apple sold 1 million units in that space. Apple’s been very aggressive and they don’t see changing that.

And what competition? Apple has seen many tablets. 100s of them over the last year. They’ve yet to see any of them gain any traction. When it comes to apps and experience, Apple feels most customers aren’t looking for a tablet. They’re looking for an iPad.

  Este normal ca Tim Cook sa isi laude produsele, insa este adevarat ca majoritatea celor care cauta sa cumpere o tableta vor intr-adevar o tableta iPad si nu una apartinand competitorilor, iar cota de piata detinuta de Apple pe piata tabletelor confirma fara discutie acest lucru.