Tim Cook le multumeste angajatilor pentru performantele din anul 2012

  Saptamana trecuta Apple publica o scrisoare prin care Tim Cook isi cerea scuze fata de clientii suparati din cauza ineficientei aplicatiei Maps, iar astazi el a trimis un memoriu intern angajatilor carora le multumeste pentru performantele anului 2012. Cu aceasta ocazie el a anuntat angajatii ca vor avea posibilitatea de a beneficia de cateva zile de vancata in plus in perioada sarbatorii Zilei Recunostintei, bonusul neaplicandu-se in cazul angajatilor din magazinele fizice. Ca sa fiu sincer mi se pare destul de ciudat ca Apple a trimis acest memoriu chiar acum, insa cei de la departamentul de PR stiu mai bine cum functioneaza lucrurile.


Apple is having another incredibly successful year, thanks to all of the hard work by you and your teams. Your focus and dedication to making the best products on earth is what makes Apple such an incredible place.

In a little over six months we’ve launched outstanding new products in each of our major categories, starting with the new iPad this spring. The response was incredible, and continued to show Apple’s unrivaled leadership in this post-PC era. Over the summer we introduced the radically thin and light 15″ MacBook Pro with Retina display, and shipped  Mountain Lion, the fastest-selling update to OS X ever. Today, iPhone 5 is taking the world by storm. And in the next few weeks we’ll ship the new iPod touch and completely redesigned iPod nano with innovative designs that our customers are going to love this holiday season.

To recognize the efforts that made this amazing year possible, I’m happy to announce that we’re extending the Thanksgiving holiday once again this year. We will shut down with pay on November 19, 20 and 21 so our teams can spend the whole week with their loved ones.

Retail and some other teams will need to work that week so we can continue to serve our customers, but please check with your manager about taking time off at a later date. Our international teams will also get an extra three days off during this quarter, scheduled at a time that’s best for them. Details will be available on AppleWeb.

Thank you for everything you do for Apple and please enjoy this much deserved break.


  1. Doar atat?Imi multumesc ca au facut camioane de bani si cand colo nimic,nici macar un bonus,o prima amarata,un praf in ochi,o multumire si atat,ooo super,ce imi plac corporatiile astea:))

  2. la bursa sunt in cadere libera. nu stiu cat efect au pupaturile intre ei. sa puna osu la treaba ca nu mai este steve cu biciul.

  3. oare baietii comentatori cel putin dpdv bursa stiu sa verifice un grafic si o evolutie inainte si dupa lansare a fiecarui idevice important? hai sa verificam ce se intampla inainte de lansare si dupa fiecare gate, de genul antena?
