Phill Schiller a fost incorect citat facand afirmatii despre iPhone Mini

  Acum doua zile un ziar din China a publicat un articol in care il cita pe Phill Schiller spunand ca Apple nu va produce un iPhone Mini, compania avand o alta strategie pentru produsele sale. Apple a considerat ca Schiller a fost incorect citat de catre ziarul chinez, asa ca a cerut publicatiei sa editeze articolul, lucru facut de catre ziaristii care au afirmat ca in versiunea actualizata au reprezentat mult mai clar afirmatiile CMO-ului celor de la Apple.

A reporter at the Shanghai Evening News who identified himself as Huang Yinlong, whose byline appeared on the stories, said the paper had made some changes, as Schiller’s remarks may not have been presented as clearly as possible.  The original story had quoted Schiller as saying that developing a cheaper smartphone to try and replace feature phones was not a direction in which the company wanted to head. That comment was amended in the new version of the story, which now cites Schiller as saying that while some manufacturers are moving toward such cheaper smartphones, “Apple has always focused on providing the best products for its consumers, we’ve never blindly chased market share.”

  Recunoscandu-si greseala ziarul chinezi a readus lucrurile la starea de confuzie initiala, adica nimeni nu stie daca Apple va produce sau nu un terminal iPhone Mini. Corectarea articolului nu indica in vreun fel faptul ca Apple va produce acest dispozitiv, deci nu trebuie privita ca atare, deci orice este posibil si daca produsul va ajunge piata vom afla cu siguranta.