Say the Same Thing este aplicatia care a generat descarcarea cu numarul 50 de miliarde, iata-l si pe castigatorul iTunes Gift Card-ului Apple

  Dimineata v-am spus ca App Store-ul a inregistrat in mod oficial 50 de miliarde de descarcari de la lansarea sa si pana in prezent, iar descarcarea cu numarul 50 de miliarde a fost generata de catre americanul Brandon Ashmore pentru aplicatia Say the Same Thing. Originar din Mentor, Ohio, americanul este fericitul castigator al unui iTunes Gift Card in valoare de 10.000$ oferit de catre compania Apple, prin intermediul sau putand fi achizitionat doar continut digital din iTunes Store.

CUPERTINO, California―May 16, 2013―Apple® today announced that customers have downloaded over 50 billion apps* from the revolutionary App Store℠. Customers are downloading more than 800 apps per second at a rate of over two billion apps per month on the App Store. The 50 billionth app was Say the Same Thing by Space Inch, LLC, which was downloaded by Brandon Ashmore from Mentor, Ohio who received a $10,000 App Store Gift Card to commemorate this historic milestone.

  Apple a mentionat in comunicatul sau de presa si ca 850.000 de aplicatii sunt in momentul de fata disponibile in App Store, 350.000 dintre ele fiind disponibile pentru tableta iPad. Anuntul de astazi marcheaza si un record mondial pentru compania Apple, acesta fiind primul magazin virtual care a inregistrat un numar atat de mare de descarcari.

Pretul initial:
Say the Same Thing



Developer: Space Inch, LLC
Categoria: Games

Descriere: From the band OK Go, a totally new kind of word game. It’s creative, with no preset answers — a funny, unpredictable, mind-melding, turn-by-turn game where you have to think like your friends!

Say the S…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 28.7 Mb