Empires of Sand – controleaza armata Egiptului ca un Faraon adevarat (Video)


  Empires of Sand este un joc lansat in cursul noptii trecute in App Store pentru iPhone si iPod Touch, el fiind gandit special pentru fanii Egiptului Antic si nu numai. In clipul video de mai sus aveti prezentat gameplay-ul jocului pentru iDeveice-urile noastre si observati ca rolul vostru va fi de a deveni un faraon si de a recuceri Egiptul invingandu-l pe celebrul zeu Seth.

Become a pharaoh and fight against the evil god Seth to retake control of Egypt. Empires of Sand represents a step ahead in the strategy game genre, combining management and tower defense. Defend your base against enemy attack while you send your troops out to finish off your opponents. Empire management: manage your resources to expand your city and develop your army.

  Empires of Sand este un joc de strategie care combina ideea de controlare a trupelor cu cea a jocurilor de tip tower defense, asa ca va trebui sa va aparati baza principala in timp ce directionati alte trupe pentru a va distruge inamicii. Pe parcursul gameplay-ului va trebui sa va ajutati orasele sa evolueze, asa ca va trebui sa construiti noi cladiri si sa obtineti ajutorul zeilor pe care ii venerati.

During your adventure you also have to defend and manage your main city. Construct new buildings, gain the favor of Osiris, research upgrades for your troops and use them in battle to get your empire back. Player vs Player (PvP): play against other pharaohs in real time to become the greatest pharaoh in Egypt. Campaign: challenge Seth’s troops to retake Egypt in history mode.

  Empires of Sand este disponibil pentru DOWNLOAD GRATUIT in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:
Empires of Sand



Categoria: Games

Descriere: Become a pharaoh and fight against the evil god Seth to retake control of Egypt.

Empires of Sand represents a step ahead in the strategy game genre, combining management and tower defense.

Defend your base against enemy attack while you send your troops…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 94.3 Mb