Apple TV are o problema cu redarea clipurilor video de pe web

Apple TV-ul lansat de Apple acum aproape o luna s-a vandut deja in peste 250.000 exemplare, deci putem spune ca are parte de succes in randul americanilor, insa se pare ca acest succes ar putea fi umbrit de o mica problema software a aparatului. In momentul de fata Apple TV ruleaza doar clipuri video de pe web si din pacate nu reusesc sa faca acest lucru atat de bine pe cat se asteptatu toti cei care l-au achizitionat. Pe forumurile de discutii a celor de la Apple au aparut cateva topicuri in care unii utilizatori se plang de faptul ca Apple TV sare peste frame-uri atunci cand este vizionat un clip video online.

Pe forumurile de discutii ale Apple exista deja zeci de pagini cu comentarii lasate de persoane care au achizitionat un Apple TV si sunt nemultumiti de calitatea redarii continutului video iar Apple a luat act de aceste plangeri si va scoate un update care va rezolva problemele. Pana atunci toata lumea ramane cu problema si desi nu este una suparatoare pentru toata lumea, cei care o observa spun ca este prezenta in aproape toate clipurile video vizionate prin intermediul Apple Tv-ului.

The only reason I bring this up as a tip is that I want apple to fix it.  I want apple tv to work – and right now it’s BROKE.  This problem is real and MOST people are too used to watching crappy youtube videos to even see it.  But the videophiles out there and (professional video editors like me) can’t NOT see it.  I’m an emmy nominated editor and I have a trained eye…my point is that anyone who pays attention and looks for it will see it and then, as people in the thread say, after you see it you can’t not see it.  But I see it immediately.

TO see it for yourself.. it’s a subtle video skip, shutter, dropped frame.. whatever you want to call it.  The motion stops for a frame and then skips the next frame and then catches up.  It’s easiest to see during motion, when someone is moving across the room or a car is driving by.  For me it’s happening about every few seconds.  It happens on most all video playing on the box.  SD, HD, stuff from apple, stuff we’ve ripped ourselves.  And the video that is skipping today on the new apple tv DID NOT SKIP yesterday on the old apple tv.  This is how we know that it’s not our material.

There are three things that changed.. one is the streaming protocol used.  The new one uses home sharing which I believe is different than the old way.

The 2nd thing that changed is of course the software has been ported from something akin to mac os to ios.

The 3rd thing is the hardware changed.  The new one has no hard drive to buffer the video.  Say you rented a movie, the old apple tv would load the whole movie to it’s hard drive and only start playing it once you had enough buffered to not have to stop in the middle.  The new one is completely streaming all the time.

Clearly something is wrong – please write about it so that apple will have to fix it.