Video: Viber va permite efectuarea de apeluri VoIP intre iPhone si Android


Noua versiune a aplicatiei Viber va fi lansata luna aceasta si pe langa posibilitatea de a trimite mesaje text in reteaua Viber, vom putea face si apeluri cu terminale Android. In clipul de mai sus avem o prima demonstratie a acestui lucru si observati ca totul functioneaza foarte bine, fara nici cea mai mica problema. Practic Viber va usura posibilitatea de a comunica cu prietenii nostri utilizatori de Android deoarece ii vom putea suna folosind fie o retea Wi-Fi pentru a nu consuma minute nationale sau in retea pentru apel. Dupa cum spuneam mai sus, noua versiune a aplicatiei va permite si trimiterea de mesaje text in reteaua Viber si aceasta optiune va permite cel mai probabil trimiterea de mesaje intre terminale ce au instalate Android OS sau iOS.

Sunt curios, cati dintre voi folosesc Viber in mod regulat?


  1. stati cuminti ca e foarte buna aplicatia si mere pe orice iphone ipod touch mere si sms e chiar misto:P am android :)) galaxy e aproape cel mai tare :)) normal iphone 4 e peste galaxy s 😉

  2. Deocamdata e limitat de iOS…o sa fie mai beton acu…si yo folosesc din cand in cand :D… mai e vopium care e ceva gen viber dar treb sa te inreg cu nr de tel..e bun ca merge intre f multe telefoane si intre aproape toate platformele (symbian, android, iOS)…si unde am castigat chiar azi un iPhone 4 16gb pentru ca am dat like la pagina lor de facebook 😀 …bineinteles ca s-a facut tragere la sorti 😀

  3. Aplicatia este super tare.
    Folosesc cu fiecare ocazie.
    Pot zice ca raportul pe 3g este super ok , 5-6mega / 10 minute de vb.
    Daca se baga si pe android ( free sper ) pot zice cu drag ca imi maresc agenda considerabil

  4. Si eu folosesc cu prietenii si familia din strainatate. Si mai folosesc sa sun acasa de cate ori plec in strainatate. Iau o cartela de net pt 2-3 euro din orice tara merg si apoi pot vorbi linistit acasa de 300 sau 500 mega fc de tara. Si de l hotel pe wifi bineinteles.
    E cool.

  5. mana cereasca pentru cei ce au famila sau prietenii in strainatate sau cand esti plecat din tara sa vb de la hotel pe wifi .

  6. Hi,
    This is a representative of Viber Media.
    Ne pare rău, român meu nu este bun, aşa că va scrie în limba engleză.

    About the fact that we take information from the Address Book (“agenda”):

    First, it is important to be accurate – we only collect names and phone numbers, nothing else. Naturally, we collect users’ information not because we are curious of its content, but for functional reasons, and in order for us to enable the service we, as a company, promise to provide. Without that information, Viber cannot function. This is not different from any other major social network/communication service provider in our world nowadays.

    I would like to clarify again: we DO NOT sell users’ information to third-parties, and we keep this information WELL locked in our servers, with extremely limited access to it

    So why is Viber free?
    For now, Viber’s focus is on adding platforms, adding features (such as text messages) and improving overall system performance. At the same time, we are working on additional future premium services that will generate revenues. The basic Viber service – Viber to Viber phone calls, and soon text messages – will ALWAYS be free.

    If you have questions, please feel free to ask.

  7. Hi everyone,

    We (Viber Media) heard lately that some cellular operators in Romania have blocked VoIP on their 3G networks.
    specifically, Vodafone’s name came up.

    Is it true? can you confirm this?


  8. @zaone –

    Thank you very much for the information.
    It is strange – a few Romanian users complained to us 2 weeks that Vodafone 3G blocked VoIP, and that Viber cannot be used on 3G anymore – only on WiFi.

    We’re glad that this isn’t true.
    If there is ever any problem with Viber in Romania, please let us know 🙂


  9. 3G networks can sometimes be disrupted and not fully handle VoIP calls (some would say – intentionally). This naturally affects Viber and damages its quality, and unfortunately there is not much we (Viber) can do about it – it’s in the hands of the cellular companies.

    We suspected in the past that Vodafone has blocked Viber over 3G in Romania. We are aware of this but there is not much we can do about it.

    Anyway, a WiFi-WiFi call on Viber should sound clear and with no interruptions.

  10. Yup! vodafone suck’s because they have blocked in their network functionality of voip apps like viber. On my wireless home network this apps works great but on vdf 3g I receive the following message: “Viber service is currently unavailable or being blocked. Please try again later. Place a regular call instead?”
    So to solve this problem try to change network.

  11. @vick –

    Unfortunately, Vodafone Romania decided to block Viber on their 3G network, and there is not much we can do 🙁
    Try contacting your provider and demand answers.

    Alternately, you can try using a VPN connection. For more details, google it and find more people in your network who will guide you how to do it.

  12. Hi everyone,
    We plan to release Viber in Romanian soon
    We would appreciate your help with adding missing translated lines, and confirming the existing translations previously added by users:

    If you could get more Romanian Viber users to help with this, we would highly appreciate it.

    Thank you in advance 🙂
    the Viber Team.

  13. Yes, exactly 🙂 It means the interface, buttons, and text will all be in Romanian!

    Our Română needs more users (like yourself) to help validate the existing translations we have.
    If you, and your friends, could take a quick look at it and vote for translations, it would be of great help to us. Please, go on and let us know what you think of our Romanian 😉


  14. Wow!
    Thank you so much! 🙂

    I would like to offer you to enter our official Newsletter for blog authors. There, we publish news and updates on Viber from time to time.

    If you’re interested, you can email us at the address of this account with your name, your website address and your request to enter our Newsletter.


  15. @zaone –
    May I please ask you to contact me through email?

    We would like to ask you for your quick, personal help with verifying a few Romanian translations before we release it.

    Thank you!