Video: Intel prezinta primele chip-uri 3D


Intel este cel mai mare producator de procesoare din lume si din fericire pentru noi continua sa inoveze. In clipul de mai sus avem demonstrata noua tehnologie 3D folosita in chipuri de 22 nm care vor fi disponibile in viitor pe piata. Aceste chip-uri cu capabilitati 3D vor functiona atat pe sisteme desktop cat si pe terminale mobile insa e greu de crezut ca vor ajunge pe iDevices. Apple are o alta strategie pentru producerea de procesoare pentru terminale mobile insa pe Mac-uri este posibil sa vedem noile chip-uri prezentate astazi de Intel.

Intel’s scientists and engineers have once again reinvented the transistor, this time utilizing the third dimension. Amazing, world-shaping devices will be created from this capability as we advance Moore’s Law into new realms.

Ivy Bridge se numesc noile chip-uri ale celor de la Intel si compania se lauda ca tehnologia de 22 nm aduce un spor de performanta de 37% fata de chip-urile de 32 nm insa desigur ca vorbim si despre o scadere a energiei consumate. Sincer sa fiu abia astept sa vad primele produse care vor avea implementate noile chip-uri si voi fi la fel de interesat sa vad cum se descurca, cu afisarea continutului 3D. Intel a anuntat ca productia acestor noi chip-uri va incepe in a doua jumatate a acestui an deci nu vom avea mult de asteptat.


The 3-D Tri-Gate transistors are a reinvention of the transistor. The traditional “flat” two-dimensional planar gate is replaced with an incredibly thin three-dimensional silicon fin that rises up vertically from the silicon substrate. Control of current is accomplished by implementing a gate on each of the three sides of the fin – two on each side and one across the top — rather than just one on top, as is the case with the 2-D planar transistor. The additional control enables as much transistor current flowing as possible when the transistor is in the “on” state (for performance), and as close to zero as possible when it is in the “off” state (to minimize power), and enables the transistor to switch very quickly between the two states (again, for performance).

Just as skyscrapers let urban planners optimize available space by building upward, Intel’s 3-D Tri-Gate transistor structure provides a way to manage density. Since these fins are vertical in nature, transistors can be packed closer together, a critical component to the technological and economic benefits of Moore’s Law. For future generations, designers also have the ability to continue growing the height of the fins to get even more performance and energy-efficiency gains.