Video: PhoneIt-iPad permite folosirea iPad 3G ca si telefon, este disponibil in Cydia


PhoneIt-iPad este un tweak despre care am vorbit acum cateva saptamani si care permite posesorilor de tablete iPad 3G sa faca apeluri direct de pe tableta. Dupa cum stiti Apple a blocat aceasta functie insa tableta este capabila sa faca apeluri telefonice doar ca nu avea in iOS aplicatiile necesare pentru a indeplini aceasta functie. Cei de la iPhoneIslam au facut un tweak care activeaza functia de telefonie pe iPad 3G si dupa cum prezinta ei tweak-ul pe site, iPad si iPad 2 sunt compatibie. Observati in clipul de mai sus ca aplicatia Phone de pe iPhone a fost portata pe iPad si functioneaza fara nici o problema pentru efectuarea de apeluri telefonice.

Cei de la iPhoneIslam spun ca folosind acest tweak putem trimite chiar si SMS-uri de pe tableta iPad iar in cazul iPad 1 putem face chiar si apeluri FaceTime daca operatorul nostru permite activarea. Tweak-ul aduce functii interesante pe iPad si probabil sunt destule persoane care pe cartela de internet folosita in iPad au si minute sau SMS-uri deci cu PhoneIt-iPad le veti putea folosi fara probleme. Partea proasta este ca tweak-ul costa 20$, un pret destul de mare pentru portarea unor functii care nu stiu cat sunt de utile pe o tableta. PhoneiT-iPad poate fi descarcat gratuit din repo-ul: insa pentru a il putea folosi trebuie sa il activati in aceasta pagina unde va trebui sa platiti cei 20$.

  • What do I need to make iPad turns to a fully functional phone
    • Jailbroken iPad1 with iOS version 4.3.3
  • Do I need speical SIM card?
    • No, just use normal phone SIM card. PS: Data SIM cards will not work because they are for internet only
      iPad that comes with SIM card inside like AT&T must make sure to replace your SIM card with SIM that works on a normal phone
      READ THIS: IF your SIM card can make phone calls on phones it will make phone calls on iPad
  • I installed PhoneIt-iPad from your Cydia repo but nothing happened?
    • You must activate your copy by click on Active Now button on this site, Then run PhoneItiPad app on your device
  • When I try to write SMS message I do not see what I am typing!
    • This happen for the first time only just hit the Enter key and you will never face this again
  • Will you support iOS 5?
    • When iOS 5 comes out and have jailbreak sure we will work to bring our app on it and you will have free update.
      But we can not guarantee that we will able to do it always.
  • I can not send MMS?
    • PhoneIt-iPad is not MMS ready yet
  • Will I get FaceTime too?
    • We don’t guarantee it depends on your device/carrier/country
  • This is so good to be true!
    • We know, but you will have to live with it, it is true
  • Why your name is iPhoneIslam
    • We have the biggest Arabic, Islamic community website for iOS Apps, News & Hacks