Iata cum isi controleaza Apple angajatii din magazine

Apple impune angajatilor sai niste reguli foarte stricte in ceea ce priveste interactiunea cu clientii dar si in ceea ce priveste modul in care ar trebui sa se comporte in interiorul magazinului chiar si cand nu se ocupa de vanzari sau nu ofera ajutor clientilor. Cei de la WallStreet Journal au intrat in posesia unor documente in care se explica metodele prin care Apple isi controleaza angajatii din magazine. Conform acestor documente angajatii nu trebuie sa corecteze clientii daca gresesc numele unui produs iar expertii de la Genius Bar nu trebuie sa foloseasca anumite cuvinte cum ar fi “din pacate” ci ar trebui sa le inlocuiasca, cu altele pozitive.

In ceea ce priveste salariul, un expert de la Genius Bar castiga in jur de 30$ pe ora in timp ce un angajat din zona de vanzari castiga intre 9 si 15$ pe ora. Partea cea mai proasta este ca din magazinele Apple rareori promoveaza cineva catre o pozitie de conducere din cadrul companiei Apple deci ca si angajat poti ajunge in cel mai bun caz sa fii seful unui anumit magazin dar nimic mai mult. Partea buna pentru Apple este ca nu trebuie sa isi caute angajati deoarece magazinele primesc zilnic cereri de angajare insa doritorii sunt supusi unor interviuri succesive si foarte stricte inainte de a fi angajati sau respinsi. In final daca esti angajati treci printr-un training in care ti se explica si ti se impune filosofia companiei pe care trebuie sa o respecti si sa o aplici in relatia cu clientii si nu numai.

Iata cateva dintre cerintelepe care trebuie sa le respecte angajatii dintr-un magazin Apple :

  • Strict control over its employees: Apple employees are not allowed to discuss rumors with customers and technicians are not allowed to mention any glitches. If you are caught writing about the company on the Internet, you will be fired. Tardiness is not tolerated and employees who are six minutes late to work more than three times in six months can be let go.
  • An emphasis on customer satisfaction, not sales numbers, that is spelled out with the acronym APPLE.
    • Approach customers with a personalized warm welcome
    • Probe politely to understand all the customer’s needs
    • Present a solution for the customer to take home today
    • Listen for and resolve any issues or concerns
    • End with a fond farewell and an invitation to return.
  • As part of this APPLE approach, technicians are urged to listen to customers and respond with assurances that you understand their needs. Salespeople are encouraged to find solutions for customers and not just make a sale. They are not allowed to correct a customer’s mispronunciation. New employees also undergo a rigorous training and mentoring process that can take weeks to complete.
  • Retail pay starts at US$9-$15 per hour for sales staff and up to $30 per hour for Genius employees. A move from retail to corporate is rare and many employees leave when they realize they can’t advance up the ladder.
  • Though there are no sales quotas or commissions, Apple employees are encouraged to sell service packages. If they don’t sell enough care plans, they will be re-trained or moved to another position within the store.