Samsung nu va vedea prototipurile iPhone 5 si iPad 3

Acum cateva saptamani Samsung a cerut unei instante de judecata din SUA permisiunea de a vedea prototipuri ale iPhone 5 si iPad 3 pentru a stabili daca Apple a incalcat brevete de inventie ale Samsung in cosntruirea acestor dispozitive. Ieri instanta respectiva a respins cererea celor de la Samsung insa razboiul dintre cele 2 companii nu se va opri aici deoarece Apple cere acum interzicerea vanzarii produselor Samsung pe teritoriul SUA. Apple a facut aceasta cerere inca de la inceputul procesului insa pana acum instanta nu luat nici un fel de hotarare asupra sa si probabil nici nu o va face prea curand.

Samsung is free to argue, for instance, that there is little likelihood of confusion because consumers will not encounter its products side-by-side with the iPhone 4 or iPad 2, but rather with Apple’s next generation iPhone and iPad. Similarly, as to proximity, Samsung is free to argue that because the iPhone 4 and iPhone 2 will soon be outmoded and reduced in price, they are not being sold (or very soon will not be sold) to the same class of purchasers who are likely to buy new Samsung products. By choosing to allege infringement only of its current products, Apple opens itself up to these arguments.

In concluzie, Apple a castigat o batalie importanta astazi insa procesul este foarte departe de a se fi terminat iar cele 2 companii inca lucreaza impreuna la producerea de iDevice-uri. In ceea ce priveste cererea pentru interzicerea vanzarii produselor Samsung, judecatorul american a sustinut ca viitoarele produse ale Apple ce vor fi lansate in toamna nu vor intra in competitie cu actualele produse Samsung facute “imprumutand” design-ul iPhone 4 si iPad 2 deci o interzicere a vanzarii nu ar avea baza legala.

Samsung is free to argue, for instance, that there is little likelihood of confusion because consumers will not encounter its products side-by-side with the iPhone 4 or iPad 2, but rather with Apple’s next generation iPhone and iPad. Similarly, as to proximity, Samsung is free to argue that because the iPhone 4 and iPhone 2 will soon be outmoded and reduced in price, they are not being sold (or very soon will not be sold) to the same class of purchasers who are likely to buy new Samsung products. By choosing to allege infringement only of its current products, Apple opens itself up to these arguments.