Duplicate Remover and Merger Pro sterge contactele duplicate din terminalul tau

        Daca aveti un iPhone de o perioada lunga de timp atunci exista sanse ca macar o data sa va fi intalnit cu problema duplicarii contactelor in aplicatia/programul iTunes. Desigur ca Apple nu ofera nici o optiune pentru stergerea contactelor duplicate din terminalele noastre insa exista aplicatii din Cydia sau App Store care rezolva aceasta problema. Duplicate Remover and Merger Pro este una dintre aplicatiile recent lansate in App Store care este capabil sa verifice adresa noastra de contacte, sa identifice contactele transferate si sa le stearg, sa le “impreuneze” cu cele existente ori sa le inlocuiasca. Iata cateva dintre caracteristicile Duplicate Remover and Merger Pro :

  • Removal of identical duplicate Contacts in one tap.
  • Automatic merge of similar contacts.
  • Support for MobileMe, Exchange and contacts groups or any non-local contact sources.
  • Cleanup of Contacts in seconds.
  • Lost Data prevention.
  • Search and delete duplicates separately in each Contact source group to avoid accidental data loss. I.e. If you have the same contact in Exchange and on your iPhone, this feature will prevent removing contact data from the Exchange source.
  • Trash Can. Restoration of accidentally deleted Contacts. All original contacts will be recycled during merging, so that you could restore them if needed.
  • Unique algorithm of duplicate detection and removal scan of all contact properties, automatic search, merge or removal of all possible duplicates. Tested with the help of tens of thousands of users of 4Team Outlook Duplicate Remover desktop software.
  • Eliminates the need of manual contacts comparison.
  • Simple one-action-button User-friendly Interface.

      Nu conteaza cate contacte aveti, aplicatia le va verifica minuntios pe toate si in cazul in care exista probleme le va rezolva imediat. Duplicate Remover and Merger Pro este disponibila in App Store pentru 2.39€. In mod normal scanarea a pana in 350 de contacte ar trebui sa dureze mai putin de 30 de secunde iar in cazul in care aveti mai mult de 1000 de contacte procesul ar putea dura cateva minute.

Pretul initial:
Duplicate Remover and Merger Pro



Developer: Alittera Ltd inc.
Categoria: Productivity

Descriere: Automatically search and remove duplicate Contacts. One-tap easy-to-use tool.
Removal of identical duplicate Contacts in one tap.
Automatic merge of similar contacts.
Support for MobileMe, Exc…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 9.2 Mb