Video: iTar transforma tableta iPad intr-o chitara electronica

    Pe celebrul site am descoperit un proiect destul de interesant care are menirea de a transforma tableta iPad intr-o chitara electronica. Vorbim desigur despre un fingerboard care are montat un dock in interiorul caruia plasam tableta iPad si multumita tehnologiei dezvoltate de initiatorii proiectului putem utiliza sistemul in locul unei chitare electronice. Desigur ca pe tableta trebuie sa ruleze o aplicatie speciala din App Store care sa imite functionalitatea unei chitare insa ideea in sine este interesanta.

Our project is designed for musicians, guitar heroes, electronic artists, iPad junkies and hackers looking for a fun and easy way to take their show on the road.  At it’s heart the device is a button-based guitar fretboard (Starr Labs patented fingerboard) integrated with a dock for the iPad which will transform the tablet into a 21st century musical instrument we call the iTar ™.

Our fingerboard has been battle-tested and proven for years to be a professional-quality electronic music instrument.  Our fingerboard has been used on instruments we’ve built for the likes of Vernon Reid (of the endlessly awesome Living Color), the Chemical Brothers, Pendulum, Linkin Park, Lou Reed, and many TV/film studios.  Check out the gallery at to see the high quality instruments we’ve been building around this impressive technology for years. Our line of Ztars and Z-boards are each custom built by hand, from scratch.

    Ideea in sine este interesanta dar nu stiu cat de utila avand in vedere ca tableta iPad nu a fost conceputa pentru asa ceva de la bun inceput. Puteti afla mai multe despre proiect si puteti face o donatie accesand aceasta pagina.