Un angajat al Microsoft l-a motivat pe Steve Jobs sa dezvolte tableta iPad

   Desi pare foarte greu de crezut, un angajat al Microsoft este “vinovat” pentru lansarea tabletei iPad de catre compania Apple. Se pare ca Steve Jobs a luat decizia de a isi dedica intreaga atentie spre dezvoltarea tabletei iPad in urma unor cine succesive avute in compania unor angajati ai Microsoft. Dupa cateva seri in care a auzit incontinuu despre o revolutionara tableta dezvoltata de Microsoft, Steve Jobs a luat decizia de a dezvolta o tableta care le va arata celor de la Microsoft cum ar trebui sa arate un asemenea produs. Intr-o seara, dupa cateva minute in care a auzit un angajat Microsoft laudand produsul companiei sale, Steve Jobs a mers acasa si a luat decizia de a isi pune inginerii la treaba pentru dezvoltarea iPad.

[Bill] Gates was annoyed that the guy kept revealing information about the tablet PC he had developed for Microsoft. “He’s our employee and he’s revealing out intellectual property,” Gates recounted. Jobs was also annoyed, and it had the consequence that Gates feared. As Jobs recalled:

This guy badgered me about how Microsoft was going to completely change the world with this tablet PC software and eliminate all notebook computers, and Apple ought to license his Microsoft software. But he was doing the device all wrong. It had a stylus. As soon as your have a stylus, you’re dead. This dinner was like the tenth time he talked to me about it, and I was so sick of it that I came home and said, “Fuck it, let’s show him that a tablet can really be.”

Jobs went into the office the next day, gathered his team, and said, “I want to make a tablet, and it can’t have a keyboard or a stylus.”

    Determinarea lui Jobs s-a materializat intr-o tableta care avea sa schimbe modul in care consumatorii privesc acest gen de produse, o tableta vanduta in zeci de milioane de exemplare, o tableta care acum genereaza venituri importante pentru compania Apple. Informatiile vin desgiur din biografia autorizata a lui Steve Jobs, biografie scrisa de catre Walter Isaacson, fost editor sef al Times Magazine. In fiecare zi aflam detalii picante despre viata lui Jobs si eu unul sunt curios sa vad ce apare in viitor.