Arthur Levison devine noul presedinte al consiliului director al Apple

   In cursul acestei seri compania Apple a anuntat ca Arthur Levinson a fost numit presedinte al consiliului director al companiei Apple, pozitie care a luat fiinta dupa ce Steve Jobs si-a dat demisia din functia de CEO. Practic Arthur Levinson este al doilea presedinte al consiliului director si are acum mai multa putere decat Tim Cook, asa cum avea Steve Jobs cand a preluat pentru prima oara functia. Levinson este un fost CEO al Genentech si membru al consiliului director din anul 2000. El a fost unul dintre oamenii care a sustinut deschiderea App Store-ului si l-a ajutat pe Jobs sa rezolve haosul mediatic generat de problemele pe care iPhone 4 le are cu antenele.

CUPERTINO, California—November 15, 2011—Apple® today named Arthur D. Levinson, Ph. D. as the Company’s non-executive Chairman of the Board. Levinson has been a co-lead director of Apple’s board since 2005, has served on all three board committees— audit and finance, nominating and corporate governance, and compensation—and will continue to serve on the audit committee. Apple also announced that Robert A. Iger, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Walt Disney Company, will join Apple’s board and will serve on the audit committee. 

“Art has made enormous contributions to Apple since he joined the board in 2000,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “He has been our longest serving co-lead director, and his insight and leadership are incredibly valuable to Apple, our employees and our shareholders.”

   Pe langa Levinson, in consiliul director al Apple a fost adus si Bob Iger, actualul CEO al Disney, companie la care Steve Jobs detina un procent destul de important din actiuni. Bob Iger va face parte din comisia de audit a consiliului director si va prelua practic functia lasata vacanta de catre Levinson in urma promovarii sale.

Bob and I have gotten to know one another very well over the past few years and on behalf of the entire board, we think he is going to make an extraordinary addition to our already very strong board,” said Tim Cook. “His strategic vision for Disney is based on three fundamentals: generating the best creative content possible, fostering innovation and utilizing the latest technology, and expanding into new markets around the world which makes him a great fit for Apple.