Daca ar renunta la procese Apple ar putea obtine pana la 10$ din comercializarea oricarui terminal Android

  Probabil stiti deja ca Apple are cateva zeci de procese deschise cu diversi producatori de terminale Android, toate in legatura cu incalcarea unor brevete de inventie. Apple cere in majoritatea proceselor interdictii pentru vanzarea terminalelor Android si niciun ban drept compensatie pentru utilizarea tehnologiei brevetate. Totusi daca Apple s-ar gandi sa obtina bani de pe urma incalcarii unor brevete de inventie, compania americana ar putea obtine pana la 10$ din vanzareai oricarui terminal Android daca si-ar licentia tehnologiile.

Tim Cook, who took over in August when Jobs announced he would be unable to come back as CEO, has many other ways to take advantage of the company’s patent portfolio. The company could probably collect as much as $10 in royalties for every device sold, more than the amount analysts speculate Microsoft (MSFT) receives from Samsung and HTC, which use its mobile technology, said Rivette at 3LP.

  Microsoft castiga deja bani buni din vanzarile de terminale Android si Apple ar putea face exact acelasi lucru daca ar hotara sa isi licentieze tehnologiile. Totusi obtinerea unui profit financiar nu ar putea fi singura solutie deoarece Apple ar putea forta producatorii de terminale Android sa renunte la folosirea tehnologiilor pentru perioade determinate de timp sau ar putea negocia preturi mai bune pentru unele componente, etc. In momentul de fata Apple nu a reusit sa obtina prea multe beneficii de pe urma proceselor si poate licentierea tehnologiilor nu ar fi o solutie rea din moment ce legea nu este de prea mult ajutor.

Apple and Samsung also could agree to focus on different parts of the market. For example, Apple might make iPad-sized devices while agreeing to stay out of the market for smaller devices with 7-inch displays that could compete with Amazon (AMZN).com Inc.’s new Android-based Fire tablet.

If Apple agreed to let Samsung include Apple’s proprietary iTunes software in such a device — an unprecedented and unlikely step, he said — Samsung’s sales would probably increase. That would help slow gains by Amazon, whose push into hardware makes it a threat to Apple. The move also would make Samsung more reliant on Apple, lessening its dependence on Google.