USB 3.0 va ajunge in tabletele si smartphone-urile anului 2012

   USB 3.0 exista pe piata de ceva vreme insa deocamdata doar unii producatori de componente pentru PC si laptop-uri s-au grabit sa il implementeze in propriile produse. Chiar si asa, in 2012 USB 3.0 va ajunge in smartphone-uri si tablete sub forma porturilor microUSB insa probabil Apple va gasi o metoda de a implementa standardul si in iDevice-urile sale. Prin intermediul tehnologiei USB 3.0 vitezele de transfer vor creste pana la 800 Mbps pentru terminale mobile, insa vorbim despre o viteza de aproape 6 ori mai mica decat cea pe care o pot atinge calculatoarele.

USB 3.0 ports will reach smartphones and tablets by the end of the year or early next year, the USB standards setting organization said on Sunday. Smartphones and tablets will likely get a MicroUSB port based on USB 3.0 technology to fit the small size of the devices, said Rahman Ismail, chief technology officer of the USB Implementers Forum during the CES trade show in Las Vegas.  The ports will enable faster data transfer between mobile devices and host devices such as PCs, some of which already have USB 3.0 ports. The data transfer rates will likely be 100 megabytes per second, or roughly 800 megabits per second (Mbps). Mobile devices currently use the older USB 2.0 technology, which is slower.

“What takes 15 minutes will roughly take 1 minute and 10 seconds,” Ismail said.

   Pe langa deja evidentul bonus in ceea ce priveste viteza de transferare a datelor, USB 3.0 aduce si timpi de incarcare mai mici deoarece noul standard permite un transfer mai rapid a energiei. Nu se stie deocamdata care vor fi primele produse ce vor incorpora USB 3.0 insa la CES 2012 ar trebui sa le vedem prezentate de catre producatorii lor.