iPad 3 ar putea fi mai groasa decat iPad 2 si ar putea avea camera din iPhone 4S

  Tableta iPad 2 a celor de la Apple este cu 33% mai subtire decat tableta iPad insa iPad 3 ar putea fi mai groasa decat precedesoarea sa. Un editor al iLounge sustine ca a avut ocazia de a vedea una dintre carcasele testate de Apple pentru iPad 3 si confirma ca tableta ar putea fi intr-adevar mai groasa dar si ca ar putea avea o carcasa putin diferita. Camera tabletei era mai mare si semana in multe aspecte cu cea a iPhone 4S insa in esenta iPad 3 va fi foarte greu de deosebit de iPad 2 deoarece ele ar urma sa aiba, in aparenta, acelasi design insa cu unele mici modificari care ar fi susceptibile doar la o comparatie amanuntita.

The new iPad’s body is so slightly thicker than the iPad 2 that the change is unnoticeable on first inspection; a roughly 1mm increase will barely be perceptible to users. We’ve heard that the only accessories that might have issues are cases, and then, only cases that were precisely contoured to fit the iPad 2’s back. On the rear, the camera in the upper left corner has become bigger—noticeably so when placed alongside the iPad 2, but not so huge that anyone would think they were different at a distance. The new camera hole is silver-ringed, and does in fact look the same size as the iPhone 4S’s much-improved rear camera system, minus the LED flash.

   De la iLoung aflam si ca Apple si-a concentrat eforturile pe ecran si componentele interne deci acolo vom avea probabil parte de cele mai multe surprize. In ceea ce priveste design-ul exterior, editorul de la iLounge sustine ca acea carcasa vazuta de el este produsa cu minim 6 luni in urma deci ar fi putut fi schimbata in produsul final. Astazi au aparut informatii care dadeau de inteles ca Pegatron ar fi primit deja comenzi de la Apple pentru a produce iPad 3 in vederea unei lansari planificate pentru luna martie a acestui an.

From the front, the next iPad and iPad 2 appear to look basically the same—apart, of course, from the screen. That’s going to be Apple’s big focus when the new device is announced, but I didn’t see it. One company claimed to have heard the screen would be just a little smaller than the iPad 2’s, but if that’s the case, the front glass bezel I saw didn’t seem to suggest that. Switch, button, speaker, and other elements located on the side edges are all the same, as are the headphone and Dock Connector ports. In other words, last year’s accessories should generally work properly with the new model, which is great.