WeeKillBackground Pro for NotificationCenter inchide automat aplicatiile din background

  WeeKillBackground Pro for NotificationCenter este o noua versiune a tweak-ului WeeKillBackground for NotificationCenter iar cu ajutorul sau putem inchide toate aplicatiile deschise in background direct din Notifications Center-ul din iOS. Aceasta versiune Pro a tweak-ului aduce cateva lucruri interesante fata de versiunea normala si gratuita iar printre ele trebuie mentionate: posibilitatea de a seta inchiderea automata a aplicatiilor la anumite interfale de timp, optiunea de a stabili o lista a unor aplicatii care nu vor fi inchise de tweak, optiunea de a personaliza background-ul din Notifications Center plus multe altele.

Close all running apps from Notification Center. A single tap closes all apps that are running in background and removes them from the app switcher. This will save battery life and RAM. Also you won’t need to manually remove every app by tapping the red minus on every icon. WeeKillBackground speeds up your device and makes clearing the switcher easier than ever! WeeKillBackground Pro adds the following options to just closing the apps:<br>

  • Add apps to except from closing
  • Customize the button label
  • Dismiss NotificationCenter when finished closing apps
  • Close the apps when the NotificationCenter has been dragged on screen and/or when it has been dismissed
  • Close Apps every X minutes (adjustable from 0.5 to 120 minutes)
  • Fully customizable background
  • Customizable Font color
  • Full iPad support
  • More options coming very soon

  WeeKillBackground Pro for NotificationCenter este disponibil pentru 0.99$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.