Screen Swipe Sounds ruleaza un sunet cand faci un swipe in Springboard

  Pentru cei dintre voi care considera ca iOS-ul companiei Apple este mult prea monoton am un tweak numit Screen Swipe Sounds care promite sa ruleze cate un sunet de fiecare data cand faceti un swipe in Springboard. Tweak-ul vine cu 15 sunete diferite plus posibilitatea de a seta ca o vibratie sa fie activata de fiecare data cand faceti un swipe deci veti anima cu siguranta Springboard-ul vostru. Screen Swipe Sounds are un meniu dedicat in aplicatia Settings din iOS iar acolo putem seta sunetul pe care dorim sa il auzim plus intensitatea cu care el este rulat de iOS.

The first and by far the best Screen Swipe Sounds app ever! Includes a list of over 15 selectable sounds that are played whenever you swipe between your home screen app pages! Sounds available include mastered synthesised effects as well as fun sounds like: Bubbles, a Giggle, Human voices, a Door and many more! Some sounds pack x3 appeal so when you swipe the screen you’ll hear a different sound each time! All this plus a vibrate switch! Sound good? …Wait until you hear it! You must first enable this tweak using the switch in Settings. No icon will be added to your home screen, configure tweak options from the Settings app.

  Screen Swupe Sounds este disponibil in repo-ul BigBoss din Cydia pentru 0.99$.