iPocketWatch – un iPod Nano \”deghizat\” cu stil

  iPocketWatch este un proiect al unei carcase pentru iPod Nano care ar transforma micutul produs al companiei Apple intr-un ceas de buzunar. Daca va uitati la pozele din acest articol veti intelege ca iPocket Watch are menirea de a transforma un iPod Nano intr-un ceas de buzunar purtat de oamenii instariti ai secolelor 18/19. Ideea este foarte interesanta insa deocamdata proiectul are nevoie de 6000$ australieni pentru a fi pus in practica si initiatorul sau incearca sa stranga banii necesari printr-un website australian asemanator cu kickstarter.

Last year Apple updated the iPod Nano 6th generation with additional watch faces in its watch function. One of which is the classic roman numerals. Such a classic watch face needs a classic watch case to match and celebrate, and the most classic watch of all time is, of course, the pocket watch. The idea of turning the iPod Nano into a multi-touch, multi-function, high tech, modern day pocket watch was born. The classic men’s watch will always be the pocket watch. While everyone else wears the iPod Nano as a wrist watch, why not bring a bit of yesterday to your style and distinguish yourself from the rest of the world by fashioning this admirable iPW (iPocketWatch)? This looks great, and the enclosure is both classy, modern and in-keeping with an Apple-esque aesthetic. I’d be tempted to buy one of these.

  iPocket Watch este deocamdata departe de a fi lansat pe piata insa ideea in sine este foarte interesanta si este cu siguranta un proiect care merita urmarit in continuare.



  1. Si cu iPW ce faci? Il scoti zilnic din “carcasa” si nu-l utilizezi 1 ora ca sa-l incarci? Ce faci daca se consuma bateria?
    Mi se pare un “moft” fara folos.