O solutie de jailbreak pentru iPad 3 ar putea fi disponibila curand conform Dev Team, unele tablete ar putea veni cu o versiune diferita a iOS 5.x

  Aseara v-am prezentat imaginea de mai sus care a fost publicata pe Twitter de catre celebrul hacker i0n1c. El a demonstrat lumii intregi ca tableta iPad 2 a fost jailbroken pe iOS 5.1 si acum Dev Team vine sa confirme partial demonstratia lui i0n1c. Intr-un articol publicat pe propriul blog, Dev Team sustine ca metoda de jailbreak utilizata anul trecut pentru iPad 2 ar fi partial valabila in iOS 5.1 deci echipa are un punct de pornire pentru o noua solutie de jailbreak pentru toate iDevice-urile, inclusiv iPad 3. Solutia lui i0n1c ar putea fi deasemenea utilizata pentru a face jailbreak deoarece ea ar avea la baza un exploit complet diferit insa ramane de vazut daca i0n1c ar fi de acord sa il ofere celor de la Dev Team.

  • We can confirm that the method used to jailbreak the iPad2 4 months ago (before corona) still works even in 5.1.  That means we’ll at least be able to get our foot in the door to get the required kernel dumps on the iPad3.  That’s an important step, but by no means is it the end of the story.
  • Those of you following @i0n1c may have noticed he’s already tweeted pictures of his iPad2 jailbroken at 5.1.  As far as we know, he’s using a method completely unrelated to the one mentioned above.  That would be great news!
  • We’ve also seen bits and pieces of an entirely different jailbreak method being investigated by someone close to the Cydia repo scene.

  In afara celor doua posibilitati listam si o a treia deoarece Dev Team sustine ca o persoana apropiata celor care dezvolta tweak-uri si aplicatii pentru Cydia ar avea un posibil exploit pentru iOS 5.1. In final il avem si pe Pod2G care desigur ca lucreaza constant la descoperirea unui exploit pentru noua versiune a sistemului de operare si noile iDevice-uri.  In final avem 4 posibile cai de a dezvolta o solutie de jailbreak pentru toate iDevice-urile vandute de catre Apple insa ramane  de vazut care cale va putea fi aleasa si cat va dura dezvoltarea solutiei.

That’s three different angles, and we’re not even including the continuous work @pod2g makes towards a new jailbreak!  As always, keep in mind this is very preliminary progress, and it’s impossible to predict how or when these things turn out.  The only thing you need to remember is the golden rule:

Don’t update your new iPad3 past whatever iOS it comes shipped with

By the way, it’s rare but entirely possible that some of you may find your iPad3 comes with an iOS version that’s not quite 5.1.  If you do, be sure to let us know in the comments below!

  Partea buna este ca acum am putea avea un jailbreak pentru iPad 3 mult mai devreme decat cel pentru iPad 2. MuscleNerd ne recomanda sa nu facem update la iOS cand apare o versiune noua si daca descoperim ca tableta noastra vine cu o versiune usor diferita a iOS atunci ar trebui sa luam legatura cu ei.