Activator update disponibil in Cydia, aduce foarte multe noutati

  Desi ieri a fost 1 aprilie, dezvoltatorul Ryan Petrich a lansat un update pentru Activator, cel mai utilizat plugin pentru tweak-urile si aplicatiile disponibile in Cydia. Versiunea 1.6.2 a Activator a fost lansata ieri de catre Ryan Petrich si o parte dintre problemele tweak-urilor si aplicatiilor existente in Cydia au fost rezolvate insa alte lucruri noi au fost implementate.  Noua versiune a tweak-ului aduce posibilitatea de a utiliza cateva gesturi noi, aduce suport pentru iOS 5.1, adauga iconite in meniurile din iOS plus multe multe altele :

  1. Support iOS 5.1
  2. Add Pause and Play actions
  3. Add Headset Connected/Disconnected Events
  4. Use much simpler native gestures on iOS5 (should fix numerous gesture-related bugs)
  5. Fix delayed headset action crash on iOS5
  6. Dismiss notification center when activating first page
  7. Make Activate Assistant action dismiss if assistant is already visible
  8. Suppress single press home button if assistant or voice controls are visible
  9. Add icons to menus
  10. Updated localizations
  11. Describe menus with the list of their contents
  12. Indicate events that don’t have anything assigned by a lighter subtitle text color
  13. Show placeholder icon while real icons are loading
  14. Fix down/up and up/down volume events actions not resetting the volume
  15. Fix crash when assigned menu item is uninstalled (1.6.2 beta 1 regression)
  16. Improve settings pane load time
  17. Properly reset slide gestures count when event mode changes
  18. Abort slide gestures when device is locked/unlocked
  19. Make settings commit immediately
  20. Support Show Volume Bar on iPad/iOS5
  21. Fix unable to add items to menus with a blank name
  22. Fix LaunchServices warnings in settings panes
  23. Categorize web clips into their own section
  24. Update icons
  25. Properly handle touches cancelled on statusbar
  26. Fix crash on iOS3 when action icon is missing
  27. Add requires-no-touch-events info key so that actions can defer receiving events until after touches finish

  Activator este disponibil gratuit in Cydia si v-ar putea ajuta sa inlocuiti un buton Home defect.