O fata de 12 ani din Hong Kong este prinsa in timp ce incerca sa treaca ilegal granita cu 30 de iPhone-uri ascunse sub fusta

  Dupa povestea celor peste 200 de iPhone-uri ascunse in sticle de bere, iata ca acum avem alta la fel de interesanta, care de aceasta data are in prim-plan o fetita de 12 ani din Hong Kong ce a incercat sa treaca granita in China cu 30 de iPhone-uri ascunse sub fusta. Fata era imbracata in uniforma scoala si sub fusta avea prinse cele 30 de iPhone-uri, mama sa fiind persoana care a convins-o sa isi asume acest risc. Mama fetei sustine ca a fost contactata de un bisnitar care i-a promis cate 2.57$ pentru fiecare iPhone dus de cealalta parte a granitei, insa in final totul a ajuns direct la stiri.

A Hong Kong 12 years-old high school girl had been caught for smuggling a total of 30 iPhones to Shenzhen China. The young girl looked like a regular student wearing school uniform but did not carry any school bag. When she passed through the customs regulatory site, she was much nervous unlike other students. The official stopped her and after inspection, they found lots of iPhone 4s tied secretly under her school dress. Surprisingly, her action was instigated by her mother …

  Ofiterii vamali ai granitei dintre China si Hong Kong sunt obisnuiti cu astfel de cazuri si fata de 12 ani a fost prinsa pentru ca era agitata in timp ce incerca sa treaca granita cu cele 30 de iPhone-uri prinse in jurul taliei. Din pacate scene de acest gen vom mai intalni in viitor si ramane sa vedem doar cat de inventivi devin bisnitarii.

In the end, the girl’s mother came to the scene and explained the situation. According to what she said, the smuggler had passed her the iPhones in Hong Kong, and she can earn HKD$20 per piece (about $2.57 USD) by bringing them to Shenzhen. She thought it would be easy to earn these money by asking her kids to handle the job, but her daughter just get caught.