Apple retrage o aplicatie din App Store, ar putea implementa functionalitatea ei in iOS 6

  Acum cateva zile compania Apple a retras din App Store o aplicatie numita Airfoil Speakers fara a oferi vreo explicatie dezvoltatorilor sai. Aceasta aplicatie permite utilizatorilor sa asculte pe iDevice-uri stream-uri audio de pe un calculator/alt iDevice, iar ea este disponibila in App Store de 3 ani de zile. Practic Airfoil Speakers ne transforma iDevice-urile in AirPlay receivere, insa Apple a decis ca ea trebuie sa fie retrasa din App Store si se speculeaza ca motivul acestei decizii ar putea avea legatura cu implementarea acestei functionalitati direct in iOS 6.

Today, we’ve been informed that Apple has removed Airfoil Speakers Touch from the iOS App Store.1 We first heard from Apple about this decision two days ago, and we’ve been discussing the pending removal with them since then. However, we still do not yet have a clear answer on why Apple has chosen to remove Airfoil Speakers Touch. Needless to say, we’re quite disappointed with their decision, and we’re working hard to once again make the application available for you, our users.

As far as we can tell, Airfoil Speakers Touch is in full compliance with Apple’s posted rules and developer agreements. We’ve already filed an appeal with Apple’s App Review Board, and we’re awaiting further information. Unfortunately, Apple has full control of application distribution on iOS, leaving us with no other recourse here.

  Nimeni nu stie sigur de ce a ales Apple sa ia aceasta decizie, dezvoltatorii aplicatiei incearca sa o readuca in App Store, insa eforturile lor s-ar putea dovedi a fi zadarnice daca Apple este hotarata sa implementeze aceasta functionalitate direct in iOS. Partea buna este ca vom avea disponibila gratuit aceasta functie si probabil Apple o va imbunatati semnificativ si poate ne va permite sa folosim iDevice-urile pe post de transmitatoare FM in viitorul apropiat.

Update: According to our tipster, Airfoil Speakers Touch wasn’t yanked arbitrarily, but instead because it duplicates functionality in the still unreleased and officially unannounced iOS 6. Our source says that in iOS 6, an Apple TV, for example, can pipe sound from a movie to an iPod touch, iPhone or iPad, and any iOS device will be able to beam audio to another. We’re trying to get more details, and have reached out to Apple and Rogue Amoeba for comment. Original post is below.