Microsoft pregateste lansarea unei noi tablete care va concura cu iPad

  De-a lungul anilor compania Microsoft a lansat multe tablet pc-uri, insa niciunul dintre aceste produse nu a reusit sa atraga clientii asa cum reuseste tableta iPad. Chiar daca pana acum nu a avut succes, Microsoft se pregateste sa prezinte lumii o noua tableta, totul urmand a avea loc in cadrul unei conferinte programate pentru ziua de luni. Deocamdata nu se stie ce sistem de operare ar urma sa ruleze tableta, insa vorbim despre un produs conceput de Microsoft si “dotat” cu software propriu, deci vom vedea Windows RT sau poate chiar WIndows 8.

After signaling for months that it would attack the market only through its traditional hardware partners, Microsoft has decided to enter the tablet business more directly. The company isn’t talking about its effort, but Microsoft has scheduled an event Monday in Los Angeles, where it has promised a “major” announcement. AllThingsDreported earlier on Thursday that the event would center around Microsoft’s tablet strategy. Sources say that Microsoft concluded that it needs its own tablet, with the company designing both the hardware and software in an effort to better compete against Apple’s strengths. Microsoft’s tablets may include machines running ARM-based processors as well as models running on traditional PC processors, sources said.

  Versiunea mobila a sistemului de operare Windows devine din ce in ce mai populara, iar lansarea unei tablete pare a fi o miscare logica pentru o companie care produce in principal software utilizat de altii. E greu de spus ce produs ar putea lansa Microsoft acum avand in vedere esecurile din anii trecuti, insa eu unul sper ca produsul sa fie competitiv, mai ales ca este produs de catre companie si nu de catre colaboratorii sai.!/harrymccracken/status/213653354117738497