iPad Surface – conceptul unei tablete iPad 4 cu procesor quad-core, tastatura fizica si camera de 12 megapixeli

  iPad 4 va fi cel mai probabil lansata in primavara anului viitor, insa pana atunci va prezint un concept al unei tablete pe care unii ar dori sa o vada produsa de Apple. Tableta are un Retina Display, o camera de 12 megapixeli capabila sa filmeze 1080p, un sistem audio Bang & Olufsen si o tastatura fizica asemanatoare cu cea a MacBook Air-ului. Cea mai interesanta componenta a tabletei este desigur tastatura care ar fi echipata cu un procesor quad-core, un hard disk si un ecran de 7/8 inch, deci vorbim cel mai probabil despre o tastatura tactila echipata cu hardware pe masura.

Be honest, did it not cross your mind that what if iPad was the one with an integrated keyboard and not the Microsoft Surface? Well it did cross designer Luis Fonseca’s mind and apparently much before the Surface was revealed. So this is his take on the iPad 4 with all its innovations. He predicts a built-in keyboard, Bang & Olufsen speakers, 12-megapixel-1080p camera, and an aluminum frame. His idea is to design a complete laptop replacement and not just a tablet overhaul. The keyboard slides out from the bottom and it comes with a portable hard disk, quad core CPU and an 7 to 8 inch display. As far as concepts go, this one is quite good for the iPad, but you never know with the design team, Jony Ive and Job’s spirit guidance. This may as well not be the direction that Apple takes!

  Desigur ca Apple nu va produce asa ceva vreodata, insa conceptul in sine merita laudat.