Apple isi imagineaza ca vei controla un televizor sau o camera folosind un iPhone si tehnologia NFC

  Desi pana acum compania Apple nu a dat de inteles ca ar fi interesata sa dezvolte vreun produs care ar avea implementata tehnologia NFC, un recent brevet de inventie inregistrat celor din Cupertino denota exact contrariul. In acest brevet de inventie Apple descrie modalitatile prin care un iPhone echipat cu chip NFC ar putea controla un televizor, o camera, un proiector si multe altele. Desi s-a zvonit pana acum ca Apple ar fi interesata sa produca un sistem de plati mobile, compania este axata pe lucruri mult mai mari si mai complexe detaliate mai jos.

Our report mainly focuses on the new system as it relates to an iDevice controlling and interacting with a possible standalone television in addition to an expanded version of Apple’s current Apple TV styled device. The updated Apple TV could one day control cable or satellite television programming and video game play via a video game controller. This would really be a boost for Apple if users were able to play high end RPG video styled games with a standard styled controller. Further, Apple’s invention runs deep and they envision NFC ready iDevices being able to control standalone cameras, projectors, in-home security systems, lawn sprinkler systems, your thermostat, garage door and more. One of these fine days, future iDevices will finally support NFC; and when they do – watch out, because Apple will open the floodgates and release a new generation of applications noted in this report and others like their forthcoming iWallet. Will Apple’s next generation iPhone 5 finally be the one that will introduce NFC? Only time will tell.

  Nu stiu cati dintre voi si-au imaginat ca ar putea juca jocuri prin NFC folosind un iPhone, ar putea deschide usa garajului prin aceeasi tehnologie sau ar putea porni un termostat. Apple gandeste la o scara mult mai mare decat simplele portofele electronice, insa e greu de spus daca tot ceea ce vedem descris aici va fi vreodata implementat in ceva.


  1. Nimic nou sub soare – se controleaza device-uri acum prin bluetooth, prin wireless, prin voce, prin gesturi sau chiar privire. NFC e doar o tehnologie radio la care se schimba frecventa de emisie.
    Totusi vreau sa vad ca Apple va plati licente sa foloseasca NFC – sau asteapta sa devina FRAND ?