Angajatii dintr-un Apple Store au salvat o femeie rapita si amenintata cu o arma

  Nu auzim multe povesti extreme in care sunt implicati angajatii Apple sau magazinele companiei, insa una recenta pune intr-o lumina buna tot ceea ce se face in aceste locatii. Weekend-ul trecut o femeie din Louisville, Kentucky, a fost rapita de un barbat si obligata sa mearga cu el intr-un magazin Apple din care sa achizitioneze mai multe produse ale companiei. Femeia trebuia sa aiba o intalnire amoroasa cu barbatul, insa acesta a amenintat-o cu o arma sa mearga la un magazin Apple din care trebuia sa achizitioneze cu propriile carti de credit mai multe produse.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) — Police say an alert Apple Store employee played a crucial role in saving a woman who had been kidnapped and robbed by a Louisville man. Police say a couple of weeks earlier, the woman had met a man who had identified himself as “Greg.” She told police that “Greg” contacted her on Saturday to arrange a date.What she didn’t know, according to police, was that “Greg” was actually 32-year-old Victor A. Sarver, Jr. nPolice say Sarver showed up at the woman’s house, placed a gun to her leg and forced her to her vehicle. Investigators say once inside, he demanded — holding her at gunpoint — that she drive to several stores to purchase cell phones in her own name, with her own money. After she made several purchases, police say the pair ended up at the Apple Store in Oxmoor Mall. At some point during the visit, the woman found a window of opportunity and was able to discreetely tell the store clerk that she needed help. Police say the clerk then quietly called store security, who then contacted Louisville Metro Police. The woman was secured and police then apprehended Sarver.

  In timpul vizitei la magazinul Apple femeia a reusit sa alerteze un angajat cerandu-i ajutorul, acesta a alertat echipa de securitate a magazinului care a chemat politia din Louisville si totul s-a terminat cu arestarea barbatului. Inainte sa ajunga la magazinul Apple femeia a cumparat diverse produse din alte magazine, insa se pare ca acolo nu a reusit sa ceara ajutorul angajatilor, asa ca abia la magazinul Apple a avut ocazia de a isi expune problema si de a primi ajutor. Desigur ca totul se putea intampla in oricare alt magazin, insa Apple este din nou in centrul atentiei.