Facebook si Facebook Pages Manager sunt compatibile cu iPhone 5 si iOS 6

  Pentru ca iPhone 5 si iOS 6 au fost deja lansate, cei de la Facebook s-au gandit sa isi actualizeze aplicatiile disponibile pentru iDevice-uri, asa ca Facebook si FaceBook pages Manager sunt acum compatibile cu iOS 6. Dintre acestea doua doar aplicatia Facebook este compatibila si cu ecranul de 4 inch al noului iPhone 5 care urmeaza sa fie lansat maine, deci in aplicatie veti avea parte de mai mult spatiu pentru afisarea continutului. Facebook 5.0.1 aduce urmatoarele noutati :

We’ve rebuilt the app so it’s faster and easier to use.
• Scrolling through news feed is faster than ever
• New banner lets you tap to quickly see more stories – no need to refresh
• Photos open fast and close with one downward swipe
• Instant access to your notifications
• (5.0.1) Support for iOS 6 and iPhone 5; bug fixes

  Facebook Pages Manager aduce doar compatibilitate cu iOS 6. Ambele aplicatii sunt universale si sunt disponibile gratuit in Cydia.

Pretul initial:



Developer: Facebook, Inc.
Categoria: Social Networking

Descriere: Keeping up with friends is faster than ever.
See what friends are up to
Share updates, photos and videos
Get notified when friends like and comment on your posts
Text, chat and have group conversations…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 7.3 Mb

Pretul initial:
Facebook Pages Manager



Developer: Facebook, Inc.
Categoria: Business

Descriere: Pages Manager helps admins connect with their audience and keep up with activity on multiple Pages, all in one place.


Post new updates and photos and respond to comments as your Pages
View an…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 8.4 Mb