Un rabin le spune urmaritorilor sai sa dea foc propriilor terminale iPhone

  Chaim Kanievsky este un rabin ultra-ortodox foarte influent in Israel si recent a condamnat utilizarea terminalelor iPhone si a sugerat adeptilor sai sa dea foc terminalelor produse de catre Apple. Mesajul sau a fost dat cu putin timp inaintea inceperii sarbatorii Yom Kippur si vine ca un avertisment pentru cei carora aceste terminale le preiau viata si mintea. Influenta rabinului este atat de mare incat unele ziare israeliene au publicat mesajul chiar pe prima pagina intr-o editie, atacul venind in urma popularitatii pe care terminalul iPhone 5 a castigat-o in ultima vreme.

An influential ultra-Orthodox Israeli rabbi ordered his followers this week to burn their iPhones. The decree by Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, 84, came ahead of Judaism’s holiest day, Yom Kippur, which begins Tuesday. It said that it was forbidden to own the smartphone, and those who already had one must burn theirs. The religious Yated Neeman newspaper published the ban on its front page this week, as mainstream Israeli newspapers were gushing about Apple’s eagerly anticipated new smartphone, the iPhone 5.

  Rabinii considera internetul ca fiind o tentatie pentru oameni, il considera a fi periculos si sincer sa fiu au partial dreptate. In momentul de fata internetul a devenit un drog, genereaza dependenta si stiu ca multi dintre noi nu pot rezista prea mult fara sa fie concectati la ceea ce se intampla pe diverse website-uri de pe internet. Desi noi suntem pasinici, urmaritorii rabinului israelian au facut cateva proteste in comunitatile ultra-ortodoxe, au dat afara oamenii de la seminarii daca foloseau terminale iPhone si si-au avertizat apropiatii sa nu isi lase copii in preajma celor care detin un asemenea terminal.

The iPhone prohibition comes amid a push in recent months by ultra-religious Jewish leaders around the world to steer their flock away from the temptations of the Internet. Tens of thousands of black-suited Jewish men gathered in a New York stadium in May to hear some of the community’s most famed rabbis lecture on the dangers of what they deemed immoral content accessible via computers and smartphone. The rally was broadcast live to other crowds in stadiums in London and Jerusalem. After this week’s decree, large posters sprang up throughout Jerusalem’s ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods, calling iPhones “an abomination 24 hours a day.” They called on community members to kick iPhone owners out of religious seminaries, and warned them to keep their children away from the children of iPhone users.

  Din pacate smartphone-urile sunt vazute cu ochi rai de comunitati de acest gen, ele nu au o deschidere prea mare pentru tehnologie si uneori diferentele dintre membrii lor pot genera violente.