Sticker permite pesonalizarea afisarii notificarilor din iOS

  Sticker este un tweak util lansat in cursul acestei nopti in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau puteti personaliza modul in care sunt afisate notificarile din iDevice-urile voastre. Tweak-ul are un meniu de setari in aplicatia Settings din iOS, iar acolo puteti personaliza modul in care puteti inchide manual bannerele de notificari, informatiile care sunt afiaste in ele, sau puteti alege afisarea unui buton care tine bannerul deschis pana cand reusiti sa cititi ce scrie in el. Tweak-ul permite si personalizarea stilului bannerelor, deci aveti la dispozitie un utilitar puternic care va asigura ca notificarile din iOS sunt afisate pe placul vostru.

Ever felt like you didn’t have enough time to read your banner notification? Ever wanted to change the animations of your banners? Every wanted to hide elements of your banners? Sticker is a brand new, extremely intuitive tweak, that adds all of these possibilities to one package. Sticker adds a very clean, simplistic button to the right side of your notification banners, this button will allow you to dismiss your banner manually. Sticker also has an option to allow you to keep your notifications open until you manually dismiss them. This will give you as much time as you need to read your notifications. Sticker allows you to hide many objects of your notifications, such as the message, the name, and the app icon.

  Sticker este disponibil pentru 0.99$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia si functioneaza doar pe iOS 5.