Apple, Google, Samsung si alte cateva mari companii se intalnesc la Natiunile Unite pentru a discuta despre problema brevetelor de inventie

  Apple, Google, Microsoft, Nokia, Samsung si alte mari companii din industria IT se intalnesc astazi la divizia IT(International Telecommunications) a Natiunilor Unite pentru a discuta despre problema brevetlor de inventie care i-a adus pe toti in instantele din intreaga lume. In Geneva vor avea loc discutiile, iar la baza sta standardul RAND(reasonable and non-discriminatory), care obliga detinatorii unor drepturi de proprietate intelectuala sa licentieze tehnologii catre alte companii in conditii rezonabile si non-discriminatorii. Pe langa companiile mentionate anterior, la discutii vor participa si Qualcomm, Cisco, Research in Motion, Intel, Philips, Huawei, Sony sau Hewlett-Packard.

This Roundtable will assess the effectiveness of RAND (reasonable and non-discriminatory) – based patent policies. The purpose of this initiative is to provide a neutral venue for industry, standards bodies and regulators to exchange innovative ideas that can guide future discussions on whether current patent policies and existing industry practices adequately respond to the needs of the various stakeholders.

  BJ Watrous, vice presedinte al diviziei de proprietate intelectuala si licentiere, va reprezenta Apple la discutii, iar tema principala este gasirea unor metode de a preveni abuzul marilor companii in ceea ce priveste impunerea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuala. In momentul de fata sute de milioane de dolari sunt cheltuiti pe procese in instantele din intreaga lume, Apple are cele mai multe actiuni deschise, insa probabil dupa o serie de discutii in cadrul UN, multe procese se vor opri si multe tehnologii vor fi licentiate.

“We have offered our view that any patent holder that promises to make its standard essential patents available on reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms should do just that. That means that such patent holders should not seek to block shipments of competing products just because they implement an industry standard – a license on reasonable terms is always available,” Microsoft submitted to the ITU.

“There are situations were injunctions against unwilling licensees are a necessary remedy for intellectual property rights holders, such as a total refusal to negotiate a licence, or refusal to pay compensation determined by a competent court,” read a statement from Nokia.

“The so-called ‘patent wars’ should be seen for what they are: a small number of participants in a highly competitive industry in which change and innovation occur at lightening speed are locked in a ferocious battle to establish market positions for competing operating systems, with litigation being a marginal aspect of this contest,” read a statement from Qualcomm