Peste 1 miliard de terminale mobile folosesc Gorilla Glass

  Gorilla Glass este denumirea comerciala a unui panoul frontal dur folosit de peste 1 miliard de terminale mobile din intreaga lume, el avand rolul de a proteja ecranele tactile de zgarieturi, lovituri sau orice alte accidente. Corning se numeste compania care produce Gorilla Glass, primul terminal iPhone a utilizat tehnologia si compania a ajuns acum sa colaboreze cu majoritatea producatorilor de terminale mobile. Popularitatea Gorilla Glass-ului este data de eficienta sa in a proteja terminalele noastre si deocamdata compania Corning nu are un concurent serios in respectiva piata.

Gorilla Glass, now available on more than one billion consumer electronics devices around the world, has been a resounding success for Corning, and we continue to bring other new technologies to market. We are excited about the development of Corning® Willow™ Glass, an ultra-slim flexible glass that we believe could revolutionize the shape and form of next-generation consumer electronics technologies, and we are experiencing success introducing new high-speed wireless connectivity solutions that greatly expand bandwidth capabilities in large venues such as stadiums and arenas.

  De fiecare data cand scapati un iDevice pe jos si el nu se zgarie sau nu se crapa, puteti trimite un email de multumire celor de la Corning, deoarece Gorilla Glass-ul lor are grija ca terminalele noastre sa fie cat se poate de rezistente, in aproape orice fel de conditii.