Tim Cook spune ca tabletele cu ecran de 7 inch nu sunt bune, ataca Microsoft Surface, apara pretul iPad Mini

  Aseara Tim Cook, CEO-ul Apple, a afirmat ca tabletele cu ecran de 7 inch nu sunt bune, sustinand afirmatiile facute de Steve Jobs cu multi ani in urma. Avand in vedere ca Apple abia a lansat iPad Mini, probabil va intrebati cum a putut Cook sa faca o asemenea afirmatie. Ei bine el spune ca iPad Mini nu este o tableta cu ecran de 7 inch, ci o tableta cu ecran de 7.9 inch, diferenta in marimea ecranului facand tableta mai buna decat cea a concurentilor. Adevarul este ca un ecran mai mare este intotdeauna binevenit la o tableta, insa afirmatia presedintelui Apple mi se pare a fi fortata si facuta doar in ideea de a isi sustine decizia de a incalca “ordinele” legendarului Steve Jobs.

…referencing all comments Steve made before about 7-inch tablets: Let me be clear, we would not make one of the 7-inch tablets. We don’t think they are good products, and we would never make one. Not just because it’s 7 inches, but for many reasons. One of the reasons…is size. I’m not sure if you saw our keynote. The difference in just the size between 7.9—almost 8—versus 7 is 35 percent. And when you look at the usable area, it is much greater than that. You know, it is from 50 percent to 67 percent. The iPad mini has the same number of pixels as iPad 2 does. You have access to all 275,000 apps in our App Store. So, iPad mini is a fantastic product. It is not a compromise product like the 7-inch tablets. It is a whole different league.

  Trecem de la iPad Mini la Microsoft Surface despre care Tim Cook spune ca este un produs care genereaza confuzie si a fost dezvoltat cu multe compromisuri. Tim Cook a comparat tableta Surface cu o masina care zboara si pluteste, spunand ca in cazul iPad Mini Apple a luat deciziile corecte pentru a face produsul bun. Adevarul este ca pana acum Microsoft Surfac cu Windows RT a fost laudata pentru calitatea materialelor si a fost criticata pentru software-ul inclus, insa chiar si asa ea va fi un concurent demn de luat in seama de catre Apple.

  La final lasam pretul iPad Mini, Tim Cook afirmand ca marja de profit a companiei Apple este mai mica decat cea a companiei in cazul acestui produs. Google Nexus 7 ar fi vanduta de catre Google fara niciun profit, iPad Mini are materiale mai bune, are un ecran mai mare, iar pretul de productie este usor mai mare, deci afirmatiile de aseara sunt credibile. Pentru Apple lansarea acestui gen de produse nu este chiar atat de benefica, insa concurenta ii impinge sa faca si sacrificii atunci cand este cazul.

When we set out to build it, we didn’t set out to build a small, cheap tablet. We set out to build a smaller iPad that offered the full iPad experience. The difference between us and the competition is profound. 35% larger screen than 7″ tablets. 2 great cameras. Fastest communications with dual bank Wi-Fi. Fit and finish of our precision enclosure is breathtaking when held in your hands. That’s what we’ve done, the iPad mini has higher costs and gross margin is significantly below our corporate average. Height of the cost curve, but we want to make a large number and we’re going to work to try to get down the cost curve and get more efficient with manufacturing as we’ve done with our other products.