Firefox pentru Mac este compatibil cu Retina Display

  Firefox este unul dintre cele mai populare browsere web disponibile in momentul de fata pentru calculatoare, si intr-un update lansat recent compania sa dezvoltatoare l-a facut compatibil cu Retina Display-ul Mac-urilor. Desi deocamdata browserul este disponibil doar in versiune beta, voi il puteti descarca si instala pe propriile Mac-uri, dar trebuie sa stiti de la bun inceput ca el are buguri de functionalitate si ele vor fi rezolvate pe masura ce dezvoltatorii le descopera.

A new Firefox Beta for Windows, Mac and Linux is now available for download and testing. This update includes JavaScript improvements that make Web apps and games perform better and support for W3C Touch Events. Firefox Beta also supports Retina Display for Mac users.

  • IonMonkey: IonMonkey is a new JavaScript JIT compiler that provides a more efficient way for Firefox to process JavaScript. With IonMonkey, Firefox will perform faster with Web apps, games and other JavaScript-heavy pages.
  • Retina Display Support: Firefox Beta supports Retina Display for Mac users to make Firefox even sharper when watching movies, playing games and browsing the Web.
  • Disable Insecure Content: Firefox Beta can disable insecure content on HTTPS secure websites to maintain the privacy of your communication with the website. You can enable the feature in about:config.
  • Support for W3C Touch Events: Firefox Beta supports standard W3C touch events in addition to MozTouch events.

  Puteti descarca noua versiune a Firefox de aici.