Eric Schmidt considera ca Apple si Google isi vor rezolva problemele legale, nu intelege schimbarile din iOS 6

  Fost CEO Google, Eric Schmidt, a vorbit intr-un interviu cu Wall Street Journal despre relatia dintre Google si Apple, despre schimbarile petrecute in ultima vreme, dar si despre procesele cu producatorii de terminale Android. Schmidt considera ca marile companii trebuie conduse exact precum niste tari, iar problemele importante trebuie rezolvate cu maturitate, toata lumea avand de castigat din aceasta atitudine. Continuand, el nu intelege de ce a renuntat Apple la Google Maps si YouTube incepand cu iOS 6, insa stim prea bine care au fost motivele celor de la Apple, chiar daca nimeni de la Google nu vrea sa le mentioneze.

The adult way to run a business is to run it more like a country. They have disputes, yet they’ve actually been able to have huge trade with each other. They’re not sending bombs at each other. Obviously, we would have preferred them to use our maps. They threw YouTube off the home screen. I’m not quite sure why they did that … I think both Tim  and Larry, the sort of successors to Steve and me if you will, have an understanding of this state model. When they and their teams meet, they have just a long list of things to talk about.

  Terminand interviul, Schmidt sustine ca Apple si Google sunt in discutii constante despre diversele probleme curente, inclusiv procesele, si Schmidt este increzator in faptul ca aceste procese se vor incheia, desi el nu intelege de ce Apple a ales sa nu dea in judecata Google. Schmidt este un diplomat, stie cum sa puna problemele astfel incat Google sa iasa avantajata, insa din multe puncte de vedere are dreptate si anumite probleme ale celor doua companii trebuie rezolvate.