Mai multi clienti ai Best Buy comanda o tableta iPad si primesc 5, retailerul le permite sa le tina pe toate

  Best Buy este unul dintre cei mai apropiati parteneri ai companiei Apple, este unul dintre cei mai mari retaileri din SUA, iar in perioada sarbatorilor este extrem de generos. Cel putin doua persoane au comandat de la Best Buy cate o tableta iPad, insa in schimb au primit cate 5, angajatii retailerului facand probabil o eroare destul de mare, sau poate avem in fata doar o tentativa de a atrage putina atentie pozitiva catre companie. Oricare ar fi situatia, Best Buy le-a permis consumatorilor sa tina toate tabletele, desi acestia au sunat si au intrebat de ce au primit de 5 ori mai multe produse decat comandasera.

I called Best Buy’s 1-800 number and the rep told me there was nothing he could really do because the system only reported one as being sent to me,” the customer wrote to the Consumerist. “He told me I could try and drop them off at the Best Buy store, but I had reservations about how traceable this return would be. You know, case the inventory person at Best Buy ever tracked me down and wanted them back. So right now I am just keeping them in my closet until Best Buy comes knocking at my door or a reasonable amount of times goes by.

We, here at Best Buy, acknowledge that we obviously made a mistake, but in the spirit of the holidays, we encourage you to keep the additional iPads and give them to people in need – friends, family, a local school or charity.

  Din punct de vedere legal consumatorii puteau tine produsele fara ca Besy Buy sa se poata impotrivi, insa ei au dorit sa returneze produsele primite in plus, dar li s-a spus sa le ofere celor care ar avea nevoie de ele. Indiferent ce se afla in spatele povestii, sunt curios daca exista in Romania macar o singura companie dispusa sa faca asa ceva, chiar si de dragul generarii unui buzz pozitiv.