TouchPal – o incercare de a aduce Swype pe iDevice-uri (Video)


  TouchPal este o aplicatie lansata recent in App Store-ul companiei Apple, iar ea reprezinta o incercare de a aduce sistemul Swype pe iDevice-uri. Swype este un sistem de scriere predictiva disponibil pentru terminalele Android, el permitandu-va sa scrieti fara a lua degetele de pe tastaturile virtuale. Sistemul incearca sa ghiceasca tot ceea ce tastati voi in baza literelor selectate pe tastatura, dar si a unui dictionar predefinit pentru cateva limbi de pe glob.

Annoyed by typing without accurate prediction for multi-languages? Eager to try the new sliding input instead of tapping? Now you have a choice! TouchPal brings brand-new keyboard to iPhone, with the best contextual prediction and sliding input (TouchPal Curve®). TouchPal Keyboard helps you to type faster when you reply short messages. TouchPal Keyboard helps you to type faster when you write email. TouchPal Keyboard helps you slide to input your ideas and save to Evernote quickly.

  In clipul video de mai sus aveti o prezentare a aplicatiei, nu puteti utiliza sistemul decat in interiorul TouchPal, iar partea buna este ca aplicatia poate fi descarcata gratuit pe iPhone/iPod Touch.

Pretul initial:
TouchPal Keyboard



Developer: CooTek
Categoria: Utilities

Descriere: TouchPal Keyboard, Feel The Speed!

Annoyed by typing without accurate prediction for multi-languages
Eager to try the new sliding input instead of tapping

Now you have a choice! TouchPal brings brand-n…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 17.5 Mb