Superior NC implementeaza un news feed pentru Facebook direct in Notifications Center

  Superior NC este un tweak lansat in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau puteti implementa in Notifications Center un news feed pentru contul vostru Facebook. In imaginea de mai sus aveti o prezentare a modului in care va arata acel news feed, Notifications Center-ul avand doua pagini disponibile, una cu notificarile normale si cealalta cu news feed-ul. Tweak-ul are si un meniu de setari in aplicatia settings, iar acolo puteti modifica modul in care sunt prezentate informatiile in Notifications Center.

Superior NC is a Awesome tweak inspired by Intelliscreenx. Superior NC lets you have some of your Facebooks newsfeed right in your notification centre! When you install you will have 2 pages in your notification centre, one is the normal notification centre, and if you drag from the right hand side back you can drag to the second page where you facebooks newsfeed is, this is really cool, Easy Access, and upatedes evertime you bring down your notification centre, you have customizing options for colors and no make it the style you like, simply hold down on a post and you have some share options, like if its a photo you can share the photo, share the post’s text you your friends, open links in safari. There is some really cool stuff packed into here. YES its IOS 6 compatitable. Please have the offical facebook app uninstalled when loggin in via the settings. with facebook’s 5.0 app there seems to be a bug in the autication. you can reinstall after you have authicated in the settings.

  Superior NC este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul ModMyi al Cydia si este compatibil cu iOS 6.