Apple achizitioneaza 18 brevete de inventie care ar putea-o ajuta sa imbunatatiteasca modul in care utilizam documente in iCloud (Video)


  Maya-Systems este o companie canadiana care a confirmat vanzarea catre Apple a 18 brevete de inventie care o vor putea ajuta sa afiseze documente in iCloud intr-un timeline al incarcarilor si sa le grupeze in baza unor tag-uri sau a altor atribute. Cei de la Maya-Systems s-au specializat pe dezvoltarea de UI-uri care imbunatatesc felul in care utilizatorii interactioneaza cua stfel de continut digital, iar ceea ce a achizitionat Apple s-ar putea dovedi a fi extrem de important in viitor. Vanzarea catre Apple este probabil o realizare importanta, avand in vedere ca acea companie probabil nu avea la dispozitie resursele necesare pentru a construi un sistem de tip cloud in care sa isi implementeze tehnologiile.

Maya-Systems’ technology offers an intuitive way to display any virtual content in a superior manner. This transaction attests that Maya-Systems axis-based user interface is ahead of the growing demand for axis-based user interfaces. “We dealt with a significant number of sophisticated buyers,” noted Mathieu Audet, founder of Maya-Systems and patent agent. “We are pleased to have secured the transaction with Apple.” “Our patents have been analyzed thoroughly by many potential buyers. We are confident that they are strong assets.”

  Apple poate implementa tehnologia respectiva in aplicatiile din seria iWork, poate afisa documente intr-un format inuitiv si le poate grupa astfel incat utilizatorii sa le poata vizualiza/accesa simplu si usor. Nimeni nu stie cand sau daca Apple va decide sa implementeze tehnologia din brevete in aplicatiile sale, insa ea va fi interesanta.

IamOrganized’s uniquely distinctive, patented feature is its axes-based interface. Intuitive and elegant, axes herald a new era in content management. They show and manage content more meaningfully than ever.  Unlike folder trees based on file location, axes group files by subject (any attribute, really) and display them along a timeline. 
Scroll an axis to view more files. Zoom in. Zoom out. Navigate swiftly between projects by displaying several axes on your screen. Attribute-based, orderly and relational, axes give users a meaningful and integrated view of their files.