Mailbox – promite sa schimbe modul in care folosesti aplicatiile de tip mail pe iPhone (Video)


  Mailbox este o foarte interesanta aplicatie de tip mail care a fost lansata acum cateva zeci de minute in App Store, iar in clipul video de mai sus o aveti prezentata. Practic Mailbox isi doreste sa ne ofere o metoda simpla si utila de a citi/raspunde email-urilor, o metoda simpla de a le sterge/rearanja, dar si o metoda facila de a programa recitirea lor la o anumita data in timp. Aplicatia are un design placut, are un ui intuitiv, bazat pe gesturi, insa marea problema este ca trebuie sa asteptati pentru a primi acces la ea, cateva sute de mii de persoane fiind deja inscrise pentru a o utiliza.

Mailbox is a completely redesigned inbox that makes email light, fast, and mobile-friendly. Quickly swipe messages to your archive or trash. Scan an entire conversation at once with chat-like organization. Snooze emails until later with the tap of a button — they’ll return to your inbox automatically so you can focus on what’s important now. Mailbox checks your email from the cloud, then delivers it to your phone securely. You can even get push notifications for new messages. Add all your GMail accounts for speedy access on-the-go.Mailbox makes getting to zero — and staying there — a breeze. After you experience a clean inbox, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.

  Mailbox este in momentul de fata compatibila doar cu Gmail-ul celor de la Google si daca o descarcati acum, aveti doar putin peste 260.000 de persoane in fata.

Pretul initial:



Developer: Orchestra, Inc.
Categoria: Productivity

Descriere: The fast, fun mobile inbox that puts email in its place.

Download Mailbox to reserve your spot, then watch the line move. For details on…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 8.9 Mb